Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Spell it right

There's someone out there who is even more of a stickler for correct spelling than I am. I got a good laugh out of this website:


Monday, January 28, 2008

The Sistine Ceiling is also of interest

I bought a new scanner, and have started scanning old slides from my 1992 stay in Rome. I was an architecture student back then, and went to Rome as part of a quarter abroad program at the University of Washington. I found some slides I took of the Sistine Chapel ceiling, so I thought I would post those here. (Unfortunately, I entirely ignored the floor.) Back then it had just been restored, and no photography was allowed, but what was the harm in taking a couple pictures for my private enjoyment? I stuck my camera bag on the floor with the camera in it concealed from view, and hit the self timer. That's my shot of the creation scene above.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Baby, it's cold outside

At least by San Francisco standards, it's cold outside, hovering around 40 degrees Fahrenheit. In my apartment, according to the thermometer on my digital travel clock, it is 62 degrees. That's a little too cold for comfort, so I've gone to Walgreens and purchased a small heater for ten bucks. After about fifteen minutes it has raised the temperature in my room to 65 degrees. Not bad.

This concludes an awesome blog entry.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Why Sistine Floor?

Since I came late to this party, I had to settle for about my twentieth choice for a name for this blog. It recalls one of my favorite Far Side cartoons which shows some blue collar characters laying down a tile floor in the Sistine Chapel. The caption reads, "Although history has long forgotten them, Lambini & Sons are generally credited with the Sistine Chapel floor." So that's it. It's just a title. I suppose I do relate to the idea of Lambini & Sons, but who doesn't? We've all done good things that we felt went unappreciated or unrecognized. I will not be making any special effort to bring attention to overlooked and forgotten good works, whether mine or of others, but if that happens from time to time, that would be o.k.