Thursday, January 22, 2009

Say it ain't so, Bruce

I've long been an admirer of Bruce Springsteen and his music, but lately he has been slipping with respect to his reputation as a voice for the working class. Springsteen recently reached an agreement to release a greatest hits album exclusively through Walmart, the largest corporation in the world, which, even with its enormous profits, hasn't exactly been a leader in employee compensation and benefits. I don't think Bruce needs the money, so why is he doing it? Maybe he realizes, as I should, that as a mega-rich rock star, he really isn't a legitimate voice for the working class anway. He is The Boss, after all. It wouldn't bother me so much, but at the same time he is also becoming increasingly active in progressive politics. It's fine to play a concert in support of Obama, Bruce, but please spare us the between-songs political oratory, lest we start calling you a hypocrite.