Saturday, January 19, 2008

Why Sistine Floor?

Since I came late to this party, I had to settle for about my twentieth choice for a name for this blog. It recalls one of my favorite Far Side cartoons which shows some blue collar characters laying down a tile floor in the Sistine Chapel. The caption reads, "Although history has long forgotten them, Lambini & Sons are generally credited with the Sistine Chapel floor." So that's it. It's just a title. I suppose I do relate to the idea of Lambini & Sons, but who doesn't? We've all done good things that we felt went unappreciated or unrecognized. I will not be making any special effort to bring attention to overlooked and forgotten good works, whether mine or of others, but if that happens from time to time, that would be o.k.

1 comment:

host said...

Hi Paul:

Thank you very much for your comment to my Dad's memorial blog. Sorry to contact you in the form of a comment, but i didn't find your email address. Great to hear from you, and we're having an informal Memorial reception for Dad in San Rafael. I'd love to invite you and the family. Could you please send me a mailing address? Thanks! gregfarber at gmail (ok to delete this comment!)