Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Words to live by

When I worked at Gap Inc back in the late 90s the company decided to launch an employee recognition program founded on a list of seven phrases called the "words to live by." Our CEO, Mickey Drexler, was apparently a big fan of motivational phrases, and so credit-card-sized copies of the "words to live by" were distributed to all employees for easy wallet storage. While cleaning out a drawer this evening I happened upon this valuable life philosphy, and would like to share it with you. Here they are, the words to live by:
  • everyone counts
  • every difference makes a difference
  • own it, do it, done
  • less is more... simplify
  • take the smart risk
  • do it better every day
  • do the right thing


Rick Monaco said...

own it, do it, done,
own it, do it, done,
own it, do it, done,
own it, do it, done,
own it, do it, done,
own it, do it, done,
own it, do it, done,
own it, do it, done,
own it, do it, done,
own it, do it, done,
own it, do it, done,
own it, do it, done.

Unknown said...

I have mine too. Plus the letter from Mikey Drexler encouraging us to use these words every day to help us solve life's little problems.

I'm sure when Mies van der Rohe said less is more, he one day dreamed it would be applied to folding T-shirts.

bperanzo said...

I’m celebrating 20 years with Gap Inc in the coming months. I too, remember the Words To Live By cards we used and often reference them. I’ve been searching for one of the old pocket cards you mentioned. Would you be interested in selling yours?


Michael Bise said...

I remember all of those very well! I worked at Gap from 1992 to 2006 and saved the paper playlists that came with each month's CD/tape. Unfortunately, I lost the majority of the playlists in a move in 2006. I started a blog in 2015 to try to find other former or current Gap employees who also saved the playlists. If anyone has any or knows anyone who did save the playlists, I would really appreciate any help.

My Gap In-Store Playlists blog is at:
