Monday, August 10, 2009

Don't you know it's gonna be... all right

Our federal government's efforts at health care reform have brought into glaring light the great problem that plagues our country: that the people we elect to government do not represent our, the voter's, interests, but instead represent the interests of those who give them large sums of money; namely, large corporations, and other moneyed special interest groups (including even from foreign countries). Votes are for sale up on Capitol Hill. Corruption abounds. These folks need money to pay for their election campaigns, and if they didn't take it from the large donors in exchange for their vote, they wouldn't be re-elected. I suppose that is their rationale. Maybe this is nothing new, but it has become painfully apparent in the past few weeks. Every sane person knows that our health care in this country is outrageously overpriced, and continuing to escalate out of control, and yet Congress is putting the brakes on any meaningful reform. It's a sad state of affairs. It seems we need campaign finance reform before any other meaningful change can take place. Unfortunately, the electorate is largely ignorant, and easily manipulated via the corporate-controlled mainstream media. There is little chance any important change will be happening soon, despite the "Yes We Can!" rallying cry of not so long ago. There will be no new birth of freedom. The rich will continue to get richer, and the poor will get poorer, and government of the people, by the people, for the people, will continue to die a slow death, til it perish from the earth.

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